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* - pola obowiązkowe    bartolomeo    Podróże    Lwów 2009    Arrival/Saturday
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Ukraina, Lwów
Przejechano 517 km
Bo gdzie jeszcze ludziom tak dobrze, jak tu?
Tylko we Lwowie!

This song written in the begining of 20th century has been an athem of people charmed by Lvov. Since the last weekend at least 4 more people can sign under that sentence. Lvov is charming, international, old and young, surprising, unforgettable...


We came to Lvov without any serious obstacles on Saturday at about 12 am (GMT+2). The booked hostel presented itself surprisingly well (we paid 5 Euro per night) and the receptionist - Marichka - astonished us with her Polish language. The only problem which appeared in the begining was, that we had to climb on the 4th floor to get to our room. It seemed to be impossible to be done few hours later. We were awared that in many hostels in Lvov the hot water is available just at certain time - so it was in our hostel as well. Clean and sated we moved to the city. This time - as opposed to my last visit in the city - we had great weather and nothing could stop us from exploring this town.

First impressions? Our money was double worth as in Poland, girls were two times prettier than in our homeland, but the city was much more neglected than our domestic touristic destinations. From the visual point of view, Lvov seemed to have a bit of Cracow, Paris and Oslo at once. You can easily notice the big heritage of the city - Polish, Soviet and finally Ukrainian history stamped significantly in Lvov's architecture, urbanism and people's mentality.

I can't say that inhabitants who we met were hostile, but they weren't too much friendly as well. That can suprise if we consider, that in 3 years Lvov will be one of the EUROCup hosting cities.

Although during the day, we couldn't complain about weather, in the night it started raining. However that couldn't be a reason to not to enjoy Lvov's nightlife. We stayed in the hostel, where were coming the other guest. Really international company - Poles, Americans, Canadians, Chinese, Russians, Cubanians and Ukrainians let me feel again as on Erasmus. I won't go to details about numbers and quantities... but that night surprised us in many aspects. First of all our stupidity and immaturity - it's a shame to confess, but we did it and left all the prescious stuff - including passport with visa in the centre of the room on the shelf - fortunatelly all our hostel-mates were good people and our mistake dispense with consequences. Second - more glorious was getting to know our new city-mate - Patrick from Hong Kong, whose polish language was sometimes better than our. We just remember that the evening finished about 1 am because of two Americans who were so kind to ask receptionist to quit the party. The morning was the last surprise of that night, because we woke up without hangover and in quite good shape. As a result of our evening in that hostel appeared such a picture as in the album.
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Bartek Ryś
zwiedził 9.5% świata (19 państw)
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