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Polska, Medyka
Przejechano 600 km
When we were leaving Lvov, there were 4 hours to the train… The journey from Przemysl to Lvov took about 3 hours… we had one hour extra… well we thought so… Marszruta left on time… the rain didn’t give up… very quickly came night and the bus was going in complete darkness… And although we couldn’t see.. we felt on our own that the main way to the border should be immediately repaired… The time of departure of our train was coming up but we still couldn’t see the lights of border. Finally, yes! First trucks in the queue… but wait.. why do we stop? The bus never stops behind trucks… it can go straight to the border… well not this time. Outside was cold and raining…and quite far from the border but we had just 2 hours till train’s leaving…
We were really mad when finally came to the Duty Zone… but there we could get to know better the world of smugglers… On Ukrainian side there wasn’t queue – guards let to go almost everyone… and those who they had doubts about… Could rely on support of the list of American Presidents … With big hope that we would get on time to the station we moved to Polish zone… As quickly as we came… the hopes disappeared… There were maybe 200 – 300 smugglers waiting for control… of course on argument that we are tourists and we are not smuggling anything, we got an answer that they also are tourists… ;-)
Among all these people there was one who got our special attention…Frytka - as we later got to know – completely drunk smuggler who was trying to force barriers on the border… We were thrilling from cold about an hour on the border… all the dreams about catching train we should leave in Lvov … finally control… soldier who was checking us was quite surprised when he didn’t find anything… We had to be ones of very few people last days at the border who crossed that without “any sins” . We were really relieved, finally sitting in a dry bus. But in mistake will be the one who thinks that it was the end of our ”adventures”. We were waiting for the rest of passengers, the bus was filling with people who one after one were taking off hidden boxes of cigarettes and other “souvenirs”. Man who was sitting next to me – Zygmunt had 60 of them. “Just sixty” as he said… this time was quite detailed control and he couldn’t hide more… The other was sharing sprit (from banka) with the others. The percentage of alcohol in their blood was growing up and still we didn’t leave Medyka – the driver was still waiting for passengers. Finally came the last part of people and after quarrel bus runned. Among the last smugglers was well-known Frytka who except hurling insults at everyone, tried to get off the bus when it was fasting to Przemysl … :-)
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Bartek Ryś
zwiedził 9.5% świata (19 państw)
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19.08.2009 - 23.08.2009
28.05.2009 - 31.05.2009
08.06.2008 - 01.08.2008