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Polska, Przemyśl
Przejechano 437 km
Just before getting to train we made tactics to take all compartment just for us. Easy to say, hard to do… but the simple thought about 8 hours of journey among people in the night convinced us quite quickly that we must do it. Fortunately Wroclaw was the starting station of that train – and took us straight to Przemysl… Of course the journey couldn’t be without surprises. The first one was quite big, old, bald, drunk… and spoke in Russian… Yep, in the minute we reminded all the stories about thieves and criminals in the trains going on East. Scared of his luggage Frycz (8 beers in bag) – who as the only one from us was speaking Russian started talking with him, somehow letting him to know that we don’t want any guests (especially drunk and with eastern accent) in our compartment… But the man seemed to not care about our words and started his story… He was going (at least he said that) from Russia to Szczecin through Legnica (aha… connection which doesn’t exist, it assured us that he’s playing with us) to buy cars and import them to Russia… (Yep…) and of course he got to wrong train (interesting that exactly to the one which was going on East)… We got also to know about his family, and thieves from Poland… and where to hide money… and we were just wondering what will be next… Finally somehow we told him that if he’s going to Szczecin (Northern West Poland) then he has to change train… With every next minute our doubts of safety journey were bigger and bigger and then suddenly train stopped in Brzeg… Man asked if there is possibility to change train and when he got positive answer, took his bag, jumped over our legs and after a while touched down at the platform… In that way we stayed alone…
But thanks to that “meeting” we found the manner what to do to avoid any other passengers… We entered the corridor and loudly started speaking (big word ;) in Russian – we knew just few simple phrases, but again Frycz gave us big show of his language possibilities ;)
It was midnight… the train was slowly passing next stations…The windowpane started washing in the rain… To fall asleep at least for few hours we tried few swallows of something to warm up…
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Bartek Ryś
zwiedził 9.5% świata (19 państw)
Zasoby: 115 wpisów115 0 komentarzy0 8 zdjęć8 0 plików multimedialnych0
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19.08.2009 - 23.08.2009
28.05.2009 - 31.05.2009
08.06.2008 - 01.08.2008