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Time to go... so where is my passport?

Polska, Wrocław
Przejechano 0 km
To Portugal i went because of European Youth TAIZE Meeting... such meetings really let me to go to majority of visited by me countries and let me realise some of my dreams...
I will not write here what gave me Taize... but just want the reader to know... that somehow i am addicted to that...

The Trip took place on December 2004... and last till the begining of 2005. I was leaving with bigger group of youth from Wroclaw... the journey wasn't exciting, because everything depened on the others... but the event which should be noticed is... looking for my passport for 15 minutes before leaving home for a bus... I think my room has never experienced such an exploration, such war, fight... with everything... and because i didn't have ID i had to take my passport... i was mad, really mad... and when the situation was hopless... when i thought that all my preparations... all my plans... all the things to do in Portugal will get lost... i reminded that i left my passport in travel agency because they asked me for that and told that i will get it back in bus... ;)
People say... that if you don't have any problems... then your life is boring and you don't know that you live... but sometimes i just think that my life let me to know about it too much :P The journey began...
Let's listen...
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Bartek Ryś
zwiedził 9.5% świata (19 państw)
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Moje podróżewięcej
19.08.2009 - 23.08.2009
28.05.2009 - 31.05.2009
08.06.2008 - 01.08.2008